Sunday, July 13, 2008


I have heard frogs at Indian Pont, but they were hidden. Louis has heard and seen them. This is significant because there ahve been several years without frogs.

There have been news stories about the missing amphibians. If we continue to have years with frogs that I shall take that as a very good sign.

Smart geese

I drove into Andreas Parking lot. It was early so no one else was there.

There were a family of five geese, two adult and three goslings. They headed to the corner where the tennis court and the fence along the river meet. They appeared to be trapped. After a little squeezing, the goslings got under the river fence, but the adults could not fit. I stayed still and slowly the adults came back along the short end of the tennis court (toward me), around the corner, south along the long end and finally a right toward the river. In the meantime, the three goslings and gone south along the river side of the tennis court and met the parents at the corner. I was impressed that they solved the problem and that the goslings contributed by not staying still.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Photo of Indian Pond on a summer evening

Nice view and perspective from Teaneck...
Visit the Greenway often - and keep it clean.